My grandmother used to say: “As long as you have your health, you have everything. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing.”
As we prepare to vote in the upcoming presidential election, it would be well to remember her admonition. Donald Trump has been vague about his policies ...
With illegal immigration in the news for almost four years, and a presidential election approaching, viewing this situation from an economic lens seems appropriate.
According to Customs and Border Patrol Protection, encounters were 10,617,065 since Inauguration Day.
More than 10 million ...
Over 50 million people viewed the last presidential debate. The aftermath still reverberates in many current conversations.
At least in my lifetime, I don’t recall another more consequential debate. One aspect of the debate particularly intrigued me. So, I developed a short quiz for ...
I’ll start this column in a similar way I began one in January 2006 after being named the Mirror’s managing editor: “I’m winding up the first week of the rest of my life.”
Today, 18.5 years later, is the first day of the rest of my life.
But I guess we can all say that, right?
You ...
Gov. Josh Shapiro and a growing number of legislators from both sides of the aisle are calling for changes to the way cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania are funded and operate. And more importantly, once you know the truth, you should, too.
Despite what the ads say, cyber charter schools ...
During the 1980 presidential election, candidate Ronald Reagan famously asked this rhetorical question of the viewing audience in a debate with President Jimmy Carter, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”
At that time, inflation was inflicting great economic damage on ...