
Skeletal remains found near railroad tracks in Antis

The Blair County coroner’s office is trying to identify human skeletal remains found by a hunter along Rose Yard Road in Antis Township early Tuesday.

The remains may be those of a white man between 40 and 60 years old, with medium build, short brown or red hair and about 6 feet tall, according to a news release from coroner Ray Benton.

Benton doesn’t believe the death of the man was suspicious, although he is working with state police on the possible cause of death, he said in a phone interview.

Benton is hoping that surgically repaired fractures to the man’s right lower leg and left forearm, along with plates used to repair those fractures, can lead to identification of the remains, according to the news release.

He is trying to obtain the serial numbers of the plates, which will provide additional assistance, he said, adding there was no identifiable clothing left at the scene.

Benton is inviting anyone from the community to share any information that could help him solve the case and said he may seek analytical assistance from Mercyhurst College.

He’s not sure how long the remains have been at the location where they were found, which is about 1.5 miles north of the North Eighth Street Bridge in Juniata and a little distance east of the mainline tracks, which parallel the unpaved road.

“There are so many factors” to consider, he said.

Mirror Staff Writer William Kibler is at 814-949-7038.

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