
First responders may get tax credit

Claysburg-Kimmel mulls measure

Volunteer firefighters and emergency medical personnel who own property in the Claysburg-Kimmel School District may soon see a reduction in their property taxes.

The school board will vote Aug. 11 on a volunteer service credit program that would give volunteer firefighters and volunteer EMS workers tax credits for their service.

The program, Title 35 Chapter 79a, was enacted in November 2016 by the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The measure aims to incentivize current volunteers and encourage more people to volunteer with their local fire companies and nonprofit EMS agencies.

According to the law, the tax credit would be applied to “tax levied on residential real property owned and occupied by an active volunteer who is certified under section 79A23.”

Also at next week’s meeting, the board plans to vote on athletic admission prices for the upcoming school year, the district’s COVID-19 safety plan and the renewal of the Laurel Life Agreement alternate education program. The board will review a water report after tests for lead and contaminants were undertaken.

Mirror Staff Writer Rachel Foor is at 814-946-7458.

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