We must be heard by our representatives
American voters put Donald Trump in office. Recognizing the deference senators, representatives and the Supreme Court majority show to President Trump, this means the federal government rests almost exclusively with him. We created this ultra-centralized situation. We have the duty to demand government actions comport with our values.
The early days of the unitary decision-making regime have seen the pardon of hundreds of violent criminals who confessed or were convicted of attacking police officers and Congress, silencing of federal scientific agencies as a bird flu epidemic is arising, threats to cut Medicare/Medicaid to fund expansive tax cuts for billionaires, proposed tariffs which will impose inflationary tax on working families, an attack on the legal status of actual U.S. citizens and nomination of egregiously unqualified candidates for leadership of major departments.
It is critical we know the actions being implemented. The voices of Americans must be heard by our representatives when we oppose abuses of power, attacks on civil rights and subordination of the economic needs of working Americans in favor of the ultra-wealthy oligarchs. If not, silence will be interpreted as acceptance.
We must take responsibility for our choices.
Mike Shivers, MD