
America urged to learn from history

Fifty-nine days is the time it took for Hitler to control the German people and republic. Fearfully, I worry that the United States is heading in the direction that Germany went under that fascist leader.

One only has to see how Donald Trump’s hundreds of executive orders these past weeks are negatively fashioning the fabric of American life. They are changing our society from one of compassion and caring to one of heartlessness and inhumanity. Our government is now run by criminals, cheats and liars.

These officials only have one concern — taking total control of our lives. There is little interest in what is best for all America.

Under Trump and his MAGA Republicans, we have witnessed the control of truth, justice and freedom. They told us in their “Project 25 Bible” what they were going to do and over 50% of the voters bought into it.

America will never be great again if these policies are followed. Trump’s dictatorial directives will only benefit him and his wealthy cohorts.

For those of you who say I am an alarmist, I ask that you closely scrutinize Trump’s recent actions and objectively compare them to Hitler’s hold on the German people.

I do believe that lessons can be learned from history. If we don’t stand up and vehemently object to Trump’s diabolical and undemocratic policies, we are doomed to go the way of Nazi Germany.

William J. Padamonsky Sr.


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