Time to honor our common humanity
I was involved, before the election, in reading and writing a summary of the provisions of the 992 pages of the document called Project 2025.
I found the document to be full of ideas that were chilling to me as someone who grew up in a free society that espouses equal rights for all.
The response, at the time, was that it was all speculation and none of it would come true. I am watching now, in horror, as it unfolds at warp speed.
The concern I write about today is the blacklisting of anything related to diversity, equity and inclusion, known as DEI. Think about the concept underlying this.
The idea being projected on us is that there is “reverse discrimination” and that white people, and especially white men, are being particularly singled out and women and people with skin that is not white are being favored to the detriment of these white folks.
How can we deny that it is a good thing to have a diverse society where many ideas and religions and such are available, to have an equal society in which everyone has the same ability to get the bite of the apple and the American dream or to have an inclusive society where each one of us can go where we choose and be accepted?
For a country that did not recognize the civil rights of other races or women for over 100 years, it seems critical to me that there be some focus remembering our sad history and reminding ourselves that we keep striving to do better.
I feel I have an obligation in my own life to try to continue to practice the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion and I would ask you to join with me.
Catch yourself when you are thinking “them and us.” I believe in this country and I believe in the people of this country. Let’s all honor our common humanity.
Linda Gunn