Doctor’s thoughts are just an opinion
I see by Dr. Joseph Silverman’s Letter to the Editor on Dec. 20, that he used a tragedy in New York City, a cold blooded, premeditated murder at that, to take another swipe at our President-elect Donald J. Trump.
His diagnosis of Trump without a physical evaluation is amazing. His political perception of the president-elect’s choices for his cabinet and various other positions of power is so enlightening.
In my mind, his flaw in his reasoning is that he didn’t compare any of the choices the current sitting or sleeping president made for his cabinet and leaders as far as qualifications for those jobs also.
If you have any reasonable common sense and intelligence, you have to acknowledge the vast difference between Trump’s first term and this fiasco of Biden’s. Every single measurement of well-being was better under Trump, except handouts from working people to those who want to collect but not contribute.
This was accomplished with 100% pushback and roadblocks thrown in Trump’s way by the Democrats controlling Congress.
I won’t go into all the differences because all of us who understood the trouble we are in voted to correct the problem. We proved that the majority, yes, even the silent majority, wants a successful country and standing in the world.
Our great Constitution gives Silverman the right to freely express his opinion, but I would hope he understands that that is exactly what it is. An opinion. Just because he leans left and is a doctor doesn’t make it the right one.
Happy New Year to everyone.
Frank J. Kauffman