

US should set pace on vaccines

Charity begins at home, especially in safeguarding Americans from COVID-19. But we have a long, praiseworthy record of having big hearts, and now should be no exception to that. Efforts to develop new medicines to treat the symptoms of COVID-19 and to develop vaccines against it have proceeded ...

Another stimulus merited

Members of Congress were wise to pause their campaign of priming the economic pump to counter the effects of the coronavirus epidemic. Nearly $3 trillion in aid to individuals, families, businesses and local and state governments needed to be given time to work before more federal spending ...

Demographic data on virus is important

From nearly the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, it was clear the disease has a racial component. Black Americans have been affected far more severely than whites. Exactly why that is so has not been learned yet. Obviously, getting answers is critical. But Blacks ...

Beleaguered PLCB should just surrender

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board should accept the defeat it was handed in Commonwealth Court on Tuesday, discard any thoughts of filing a costly appeal with the state Supreme Court and avoid any delay regarding full compliance with what the judges decided. Any Pennsylvania resident who ...

Treasury should be transparent

billions of dollars in aid to businesses without having at least some idea of where our money is going. That seems obvious. However, demanding such transparency puts the U.S. Treasury Department — and some of the businesses being assisted — in a tough position. Treasury Secretary ...

Ebensburg flag flap regretful

It was disappointing that a Confederate flag — a flag whose existence is rooted in hatred, division and national upheaval — was allowed to undermine the spirit, meaning and purpose of this year’s Ebensburg Memorial Day Parade. The flag should have been ordered from the line of parade ...