
We CARE Foundation a remarkable story

Many wonder what the We CARE Foundation is and how the funds raised through the Turkey Bowl, Softball Marathon and other fundraising events are spent.

The creation of the We CARE Foundation is a remarkable story about what the community did 10 years ago to preserve therapy service for special needs children in the Altoona/Blair County area.

In 2014, the Easter Seals organization decided to close their facility in Altoona. A community-led effort was initiated to preserve the therapy services for special needs children provided at the Easter Seals building located at 501 Valley View Blvd., Altoona.

Those services were provided through Easter Seals since the early 1960s, when the Ward Family led the effort to build a specialized facility for therapy services for handicapped and special needs children.

In early 2015, Easter Seals moved most of the equipment and furniture out of the building and left the facility in disrepair.

The community rallied to raise over $100,000 to rebuild the therapy pool, which is a unique form of therapy for special needs children. Efforts were made to update the facility’s appearance, acquire new furniture and buy new therapy equipment.

Services were up and running again in March 2015.

An independent foundation was then formed to coordinate the ongoing maintenance of the building at 501 Valley View Blvd., and to ensure the therapy services were continued.

The We CARE Foundation is a completely volunteer run organization. There are no administrative expenses and 100% of the money raised through the fundraising goes to the maintenance of the building and to support the therapy provided to the children.

The We CARE Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the kids.

Over the past few years, a new roof was put on the building. The therapy pool and HVAC equipment needs constant repair.

To help the over 200 families who bring their children there for services, the foundation has donated over $40,000 in scholarships to families to help them pay their co-pays and deductibles so their children can continue to receive therapy.

Please support the players that are participating in this year’s Turkey Bowl. They understand the importance of what they are raising money for and are working hard to make the game a success.

The Softball Marathon continues to be successful every summer. Many local companies and organizations continue to participate in the marathon and help to make it a success. Other fundraising efforts are being considered by the board of directors, so if you see a fundraiser to support the We CARE Foundation, please support and participate, and know that 100% of the funds raised go to help special needs children.

Lastly, thank you to all in the community who have supported this effort over the past 10 years. The result of your efforts can be seen when you visit the We CARE building and see the kids entering and leaving. It is a moving experience for which the community should be proud.

Steve Gildea is a board member of the We CARE Foundation.

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