
Logan approves solar farm plan

Penn Renewables to build arrays on Burgmeier property

The Logan Township supervisors Monday approved a land development plan for a solar farm on the 69-acre Burgmeier property off Old Sixth Avenue Road, across from the eastern foot of the North Eighth Street Bridge — property that includes the derelict Hutchinson Cemetery.

The township Planning Commission last month endorsed the plans of Penn Renewables and SR1 Capture Sage Holdco for a pair of arrays that would occupy 24 acres uphill and behind a Sheetz convenience store, with access via Burgmeier Drive next to the store property.

The farm would consist of 9,500 panels surrounded by a fence.

The electricity produced by the Blair Old Six Project would be used locally and could power between 1,500 and 2,000 homes, according to an official at the Planning Commission meeting.

Work could begin between a half-year and a year-and-a-half from now, a project official said in December.

It would take three months to install, the official said.

The farm would be monitored remotely.

Penn Renewables has 80 ongoing projects in Pennsylvania, according to the company official.

The Planning Commission granted several waivers of land development requirements, including one that requires construction of sidewalks.

As compensation for the sidewalk waiver, the company will pay special attention to landscape beautification on the side of Burgmeier Drive opposite the Sheetz.

Mirror Staff Writer William Kibler is at 814-949-7038.

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