COVID-19 funds available
Money is still available through the City of Altoona’s Economic Recovery Grant Program for businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic for the hiring or rehiring of employees, according to Patrick Miller, executive vice president of the Altoona-Blair County Development Corp., and information on the ABCD website.
For-profit businesses with fewer than 50 employees are eligible for grants of $3,000 per full-time-equivalent, up to a maximum of three FTE employees, or $9,000.
The hirings had to occur after Sept. 8, the employees must be paid less than $36,350 a year and the employees’ household incomes need to have been negatively affected by COVID-19.
Two part-time employees can be considered the equivalent of one full-time position.
To apply for the program, visit and choose the City of Altoona Grant Program tab.