
Spiritual Notes

Wild game meal set

Crossview Missional Church in Cassville, Huntingdon County, will hold its ninth annual Wild Game Meal on Saturday, Jan. 25. Doors open at 4 p.m. and the covered dish meal begins at 5 p.m. The keynote speaker is Caz Russell of Milton. Russell has hunted from the Bering Sea to Saskatchewan and Maine to Texas. He enjoys hunting, training dogs and carving decoys. He uses life’s lessons and experiences to share his love for Christ.

Russell will share the story of his elk hunt and display his elk European mount at the dinner. Russell uses this story to relate to his walk and friendship with Jesus.

Outdoor enthusiasts are encouraged to bring their favorite wild game dish to share, as well as photographs (on 8×10 copy paper) to put on display, as well as take a guess at the “Mystery Meat Challenge.”

The church is at 18546 Cooks Road, Cassville. The event is free. For more information, call or text 814.386.0120.

Motivational mug gathering set

Duncansville Lutheran Church will host a Motivational Mug Gathering at 11:45 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, in the Family Life Center. Those attending are invited to wear their favorite pajamas and come to enjoy coffee

creations, fellowship and laughs.

For more information, contact the church at 814-695-0508.

Winter soup program continues

Hollidaysburg Church of the Brethren, Penn and Hawthorne streets, will host the Hollidaysburg Free Soup Program from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25. All are welcome to enjoy hot soup, bread, butter, desserts and beverages. There is no charge; offerings will be accepted. Cancellations will be announced on the websites of Lightner Radio at Lightnercommunications.com or 7 Mountains Media.

The program continues through March according to the following schedule: Feb. 1 and Feb. 8, St. John’s Reformed Church, 906 Maple Ave.; Feb. 15, Feb. 22 and March 1, First Presbyterian Church, Penn and Walnut streets; March 8, March 15 and March 22, St. Michael Catholic Church, Montgomery and Spruce streets. All churches will offer soup, bread and butter, desserts, tea, coffee and water.

St. John’s Reformed Church will also serve a sandwich with the soup. There is no charge, however, an offering will be accepted.

This program is a mission of the churches in Hollidaysburg. It is not restricted to church members, but is open to everyone, including those in financial need and those in need of christian fellowship.

Freedom Seekers focus of lecture

In honor of Black History Month, Christ Community United Methodist Church will host a lecture at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2. “The Freedom Seekers of Blair County” by Harriett Gaston will address the local history of the Underground Railroad. Everyone is invited to this free event. The church is at 5715 Roselawn Ave., Altoona.

Annual soup sale planned

The Catholic War Veterans’ annual soup sale will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday,

Feb. 2, at 290 Valley Ave., Altoona. There will be soups, basket raffles, baked goods and more, with all proceeds benefiting Families United for Change.

Tax help available

The New Life Worship Center Tax Team provides preparation 2024 federal, state and local tax returns as part of its ministry. In its 15th year, federal and state returns are efiled and local returns sent back to participants for them to file Property tax and rent rebates are also completed. A mobile APP link is available.

The tax preparation cost is a minimum donation of $30. Last year, this ministry raised more than $75,000 and donated to

17 local nonprofits by serving 1,670 clients who received $3 million in refunds.

For more information, visit its Facebook page, email sseifer@hotmail.com or call 814-215-1933.

Splash Nights continue

The Well Ministry Center will host Splash Nights the second Monday of each month. There will be a meal, games, crafts, songs and a message of hope.

A family meal will be served at 5:30 p.m. From 6 to 7 p.m., children 3 years old to fifth grade will take part in fun activities. Parents can relax in the church’s cafe or return to pick children at 7 p.m. The Well is at 605 Burns Ave., Altoona. For more information, contact Brandi at bcburget217@yahoo.com.

Quilting ministry offered

Zion Lutheran Church invites women of all ages to attend Stitch and Sew in Zion’s Fellowship Hall from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays. No experience is required to help create quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Bring a bagged lunch, if you’d like. For more information, call the church office at 814-695-0091.


Religious organizations are invited to submit upcoming events, special speakers and other items to be published free of charge in Spiritual Notes. Items can be emailed to religion@altoonamirror.com or call Holly at 814-946-7451. Items may also be submitted online through the Mirror’s virtual newsroom at vnr.altoonamirror.com. Deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. Mondays.

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