
Be ‘smarter, wiser’ about recycling

I could not believe what I was reading in the Mirror on Tuesday, Sept. 19, regarding state Rep. John McGinnis’s statements on recycling.

I was envisioning Altoona and other local communities as a future “Rio de Janeiro” with trash polluting our streets, yards and waters with materials that can be recycled and turned into products that can be “reused.”

I hope that our representative will visit the IRC recycling center at the Buckhorn and become educated regarding what these hard-working, world-caring people are doing with materials to limit the materials put into landfills that pollute our streams and drinking water supplies.

The next step would/should be his visit to our local hauling servers and see what a horrible mess is actually going into our earth.

I want our community and our earth to be a better, cleaner place for my grandsons and their children, etc.

I am not a hippie of the ’60s but did grow up in those years. I do remember when people like McGinnis said, “We don’t really need those seat belts” and “littering is not really such a problem.”

We have become smarter and wiser when we realized the implications of ignoring common sense solutions.

Please don’t stop recycling and reusing products. Think about the future world for your children and grandchildren.

Cheryl Tyler


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