
Agriculture briefs

Schools, organizations receive farm bill grants

HARRISBURG — Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding recently announced $501,123 in PA Farm Bill Agriculture & Youth Grants awarded to 58 organizations in 29 counties, funding projects that will empower youth to succeed in Pennsylvania’s $132.5 billion agriculture industry.

Area grants and programs include:

— Blair County: Williamsburg Community Farm Show for improving the sheep and goat pens at Williamsburg Community Farm Show, $7,053; Spring Cove School District, for greenhouse improvements and floriculture tools, $6,513.

— Centre County: State College Area School District, SCASD Delta Program Greenhouse Revitalization Project, $4,700; The Pennsylvania State University, Urban Ag Experiential Learning Field Trip, $7,500; Youth Technology to Support Agricultural Practices, $7,475; and Small Fruit Berry Development on the Student Farm, $10,576.

— Huntingdon County: Southern Huntingdon County School District, Southern Huntingdon Agriculture Program Laboratory Equipment, $7,500; and Juniata Valley School District, Agriculture Curriculum – Food Science Improvement Project, $4,813.

USDA conservation money available

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Pennsylvania is making $2 million available to landowners with preserved farms to install conservation best management practices, or BMPs.

Available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, this additional funding opportunity is available to landowners with preserved farms who have previously submitted an application to NRCS and award is contingent on funds available. This will help landowners further their conservation efforts on preserved farms to improve water and air quality, enhance soil health and increase wildlife habitat.

NRCS accepts applications for EQIP and other conservation programs year-round. Eligible applications will be considered for funding by Feb.17.

Producers, landowners and forest managers interested in applying for assistance should contact NRCS at their local USDA Service Center.


USDA announces grants, technical assistance funds

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is providing a total of $14.4 million in grants and technical assistance through two separately funded projects to support urban agriculture and innovative production.

USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production is making available $2.5 million for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production grants, building on $53.7 million invested in UAIP grant projects by OUAIP since 2020.

In addition, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, which oversees OUAIP, is providing $11.9 million in funding through an interagency agreement with the National Institute of Food and Agriculture to promote the hiring of Urban Agriculture Conservation Extension Educators through the Cooperative Extension programs at Land-grant Universities.


Cambria Crops Day workshops scheduled

Penn State Extension will offer workshops in several locations around the state aimed at reviewing crop production in 2024 and planning for the 2025 season. Participants can learn about the newest innovations for the upcoming season, earn pesticide applicator recertification credits and hear about cutting-edge agronomic research, products and technology.

In Patton, this workshop will take place from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Feb. 13 at Queen of Peace Parish Center, 907 Sixth Ave. Attendees may stay for an optional fumigation session 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Participants must pre-register by Feb. 6 for $10. Walk-in registration will be $20. Lunch will be provided.

Visit https://extension.psu.edu/crops-days or call Penn State Extension customer service at 877-345-0691 for online registration, a detailed agenda and information for those interested in sponsoring this workshop or other crop conferences.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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