
Freelance journalist takes plea deal

From Mirror staff reports

A regional freelance journalist, who was facing misdemeanor stalking and harassment charges, accepted a plea agreement in Clearfield County court this week to resolve the case.

Philip Cmor, 57, of Glasgow pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and two summary counts of disorderly conduct, according to WJAC.

President Judge Fredric J. Ammerman accepted the agreement that includes Cmor serving a minimum two years’ probation and paying fines and costs.

Cmor was charged in May after being accused of stalking and harassing two women by sending unwanted gifts and messages.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, the two women, both Clearfield County employees, reported the alleged harassment on April 22. One of the women said the harassment began as early as 2016, when she was still in high school. One of the victims also said Cmor professed his love to her.

The women provided police with nearly 40 emails, text messages, social media posts, photos and screenshots, according to the report.

Cmor remains free on $50,000 unsecured bail and is to have no contact with the victims.

Formal sentencing is set for Feb. 10 before Ammerman.

Cmor was employed for a number of years at the Altoona Mirror before resigning in 2018.

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