Blair joins steps effort
HOLLIDAYSBURG –Blair County leaders are joining an effort encouraging county residents to register 100 million steps by Nov. 7.
The effort is sponsored by the Let’s Move Blair County Committee and the Blair County Chamber of Commerce Workplace Wellness Committee, both associated with the Healthy Blair County Coalition.
The committees have been seeking teams — schools, community groups, workplaces, faith-based organizations — and/or individuals to sign up for the Blair County Active Living Steps Challenge, which starts Saturday and continues through Nov. 7. Today is the deadline to register through the coalition’s website at www.healthyblair, which will provide instructions on how to report steps and to convert other activities into steps to count toward the total.
Commissioner Laura Burke reported during Tuesday’s weekly commissioners meeting that the commissioners’ office is entering as a team. The controller’s office will also be represented in the effort, Burke said.
In the last Health Rankings Report issued by the state, Blair placed 43 out of the state’s 67 counties.