
Blair to offer ballot drop-off

HOLLIDAYSBURG — Blair County voters will be able to turn in absentee and mail-in ballots on Tuesday along the Union Street side of the courthouse.

In a news release distributed Thursday, the county advised that absentee and mail-in ballots can be submitted between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday, the same hours voting polls will be open. Voters with absentee and mail-in ballots should follow directional signs to be posted at the courthouse.

The county has processed approximately 12,400 absentee and mail-in ballots in preparation for Tuesday’s election.

The amount reflects the state’s decision to make mail-in ballots available for any reason this year and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which ignited interest in the option.

The county is also advising that some of Tuesday’s in-person voting procedures will be different from prior elections.

Poll workers will be checking to see if in-person voters are on a list of voters requesting an absentee or mail-in ballot. Those who have already returned absentee or mail-in ballots will not be permitted to vote.

Anyone whose absentee or mail-in ballot has not yet arrived in the elections office will be directed to cast a provisional ballot.

Voters casting ballots in person should be also be aware of the county’s consolidation of voting polls for the primary.

Locations can be identified or confirmed through the “Where’s My Polling Place” application on the www.blairco.org/Dept/

Elections website.

In preparation to vote in person, the county is also advising that voters to bring their own blue or black ballpoint pen for use in the county’s voting system, introduced last year, that creates a verifiable paper trail.

The county is also requesting voters to wear a mask at the polls.

Poll workers have been instructed to wear masks and will be seated behind plastic shields in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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