
AASD approves more change orders

Cost of changes now totals $662,500

More construction change orders were approved Monday night by the Altoona Area School Board, bringing the total number of change orders to 39 since renovations began in May.

The cost of changes now totals $662,500.

But the district is still within its $88 million budget approved for the high school project; included in the budget is $2.3 million for construction change orders. To date, about $1.6 million of the budget for change orders has not been designated.

The first six months of a building project are the most difficult for change orders, architect Mike Kelly said. He noted that contractors have to dig underground to renovate the A building and laying the foundation for the new B building.

“Getting out of the ground during the first six months is when you see change orders. That’s when you get unforeseen issues. … But the contingency to keep us on or under budget has not been used fully,” Kelly said.

The vote to approve the change orders was 5-4, breaking along the usual divide. President Dutch Brennan, Vice President Wayne Hippo, Bill Ceglar, Kelly Irwin Adams and Rick Hoover passed the change orders while Sharon Bream, Ron Johnston, Dave Francis and Ed Kreuz voted against them.

Included in the $108,010 worth of change orders approved Monday were:

– Change Order 27: to Farfield Electric for Relocation of Verizon duct bank. Unforeseen as existing location was incorrectly identified by old drawings. $14,910.

– Change Order 28: Verizon charges for new cable and removal of old cable. $7,700.

– Change Order 29: JR Reynolds – Radon piping and fittings in accordance with revised drawings. $18,607.

– Change Order 30: Farfield Electric – Conduit repair and replacement wire for circuits cut during plumbing work. Conduit was located inside concrete slab, not in sub-base as required by code. $8,921.

– Change Order 31: WT Spaeder — Added backflow preventer with tamper switches and check valve for fire-service line. Water Authority requirement was changed by the authority after bid time. $5,225.

– Change Order 32: JC Orr – To locate unforeseen duct location for shoring installation, OSHA requirement. $849.

– Change Order 33: JC ORR – Unsuitable soil because of house foundation on 13th Street. $5,237.

– Change Order 34: JC ORR – Unsuitable soils removal as part of the “B” building, $2,818.

– Change Order 35, 36 and 37: JC ORR – Working with unsuitable soils, foundations, brick and other debris, $9,000; causing sink holes where work is to be done. Two other areas were identified with similar issues, each at $9,000 to fix.

– Change Order 38: Farfield HVAC, Backdraft Damper for the ductwork in the weight room. Damper not on original drawings. $1,604.

– Change Order 39: Farfield HVAC, Condenser Water Supply Return Piping Insulation. Insulation was not part of the contract drawings. $15,141.

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