
Wolf clarifies funding position

Mirror story about education money prompts response

Gov. Tom Wolf’s press sec­retary J.J. Abbot issued a response elaborating on a Mirror story published Thurs­day.

At a press conference last week in Philadelphia,Wolf reportedly said all basic education money should be pushed through a new formula that state lawmakers adopted two years ago.

The report, from WHYY in Philadelphia, stated that Wolf did not elaborate whether he’d support a sudden shift in how the formula is applied or if he’d prefer a slower approach. A shift would mean sudden funding loss for rural schools, in­cluding all in Blair County, because the new formula heavily weighs student population for the distribution of funds.

Abbot clarified that Wolf is not calling for anything to be done drastically re­garding the pace of implementing the new education funding formula.

“Governor Wolf believes we must fully and adequately invest in public education, and that every dollar should be run through the fair funding formula. Achieving both of these goals will take time and additional funding, as well as input from the General Assembly, school districts and communities across the commonwealth.”

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