
Across the area

Swinging Squares plan dances, to perform at Farm Show

Swinging Squares Square and Round Dance Club has announced its January dances. All dances are held at the Jaggard Street United Methodist Church in Altoona. Prerounds begin at 6 p.m., the class dance runs from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and the regular club dance is from 8 to 9 p.m.

Regular dance nights will be held Jan. 2, 16 and 30. The Snowflake Ball, where participants are asked to wear white and bring white snacks, will be held Jan. 9. Stoup Night, where participants should bring a favorite stew or soup, will begin at 5 p.m. Jan. 23.

The club members will be dancing at the state Farm Show on Monday evening, Jan. 6.

For additional information, call Donna at 814-934-7779 or Gay and Bob at 814-404-1571.

Cancer support group to form at Station Medical Center

Cancer Bridges will be providing a new general cancer support group at Station Medical Center, 1516 Ninth Ave., Altoona, from 6 to 7 p.m. beginning Jan, 9 and continuing the second Thursday of each month.

While this is an in-person support group, virtual participation is also available.

The group will be led by Tammy Hurley, RN, and Aaron Goldwasser, MSW, LSW, and is open to all adults diagnosed with cancer and their supporters.

The support group is free but pre-registration is required by calling 412-338-1919 or emailing cbteam@cancerbridges.org.

Cancer Bridges is a Pittsburgh-based cancer support agency serving 37 Pennsylvania counties with nearly 200 free monthly programs, including short-term counseling, support groups, health and wellness classes, a family and youth program, education, grief support and survivorship programming. Learn more at www.cancerbridges.org.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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